Company Code of Business Conduct


Welcome to BOOST STAR Experts.

We are committed to conducting our business with honesty, integrity, and the highest ethical standards. Our Code of Conduct is a reflection of our core values and outlines the principles and expectations for all employees and directors. It serves as a guide to help you navigate ethical dilemmas, make informed decisions, and uphold the trust that our clients, partners, and communities place in us. By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure a positive and respectful work environment where everyone can thrive. Remember, your actions represent Boost Star and contribute to our collective success and reputation.


About the Code

The Code of Conduct (“Code”) outlines the expectation that employees always act with integrity. It provides principles to guide employees in their interactions with clients, customers, suppliers, vendors, shareholders, colleagues, regulators, markets, and the communities where we operate. The Code applies to employees and directors of BOOST STAR Experts (“company” or “BOOST STAR”) and its direct and indirect subsidiaries.

The Code is designed to align with the regulatory and legal framework governing our industry. It may be updated as required by law, regulation, or other circumstances. All updates take effect immediately upon posting.

The Code is overseen by the Management team of the company. Any waiver or infringement of the Code must be reported to the management or HR or the Office to CEO on an immediate basis via email communication or any other legible written mode clearly addressing the same to the concerned person and mentioning in detail about such waver or infringement.

Non-compliance with the Code or the company’s conduct expectations may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. The Code does not guarantee continued employment and is not an employment contract. Generally, consultants, agents, and contract or temporary workers are expected to adhere to the core principles of the Code.


1. Ethical Conduct

1.1 Integrity and Honesty

Employees and directors of BOOST STAR must consistently exhibit the highest levels of integrity and honesty in all their professional interactions. Drawing inspiration from the exemplary standards set by companies like Apple and Google, we expect our team members to be truthful, transparent, and fair in every business dealing. This means avoiding any form of deception, fraud, or misrepresentation. By fostering a culture of honesty, we build trust with our clients, partners, and within our team, ensuring long-term success and a strong reputation in the industry.


1.2 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

At BOOST STAR, we are committed to upholding the law and adhering to all applicable regulations as applicable. Every employee and director must ensure their actions are in full compliance with both the letter and spirit of the law, as well as with BOOST STAR’s internal policies and guidelines. This includes staying informed about relevant legal standards, participating in regular training sessions, and consulting with our legal department when in doubt. By maintaining strict adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, we protect our company and its stakeholders, ensuring ethical business practices and corporate responsibility.


2. Respect and Fairness

2.1 Respect for Others

At BOOST STAR, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of respect and courtesy, inspired by the best practices. We are committed to treating all colleagues, clients, customers, and partners with fairness and consideration. This means actively promoting an inclusive work environment that values and celebrates diversity, recognizing and respecting individual differences, and fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and heard. By doing so, we not only enhance our workplace culture but also drive innovation and success through diverse perspectives and ideas.


2.2 Harassment and Discrimination

BOOST STAR maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying, and committed to a safe and respectful workplace. All employees and directors are responsible for upholding these standards by contributing to an environment free from these harmful behaviours. This includes understanding what constitutes harassment and discrimination, participating in mandatory training sessions, and reporting any incidents promptly. Our commitment to this policy ensures that BOOST STAR remains a place where everyone can work confidently and comfortably, knowing their rights and dignity are protected.


2.3 Recruitment and Hiring

At BOOST STAR, we adhere strictly to principles of meritocracy, qualifications, and business necessity in all our employment decisions. Our recruitment processes are meticulously crafted to attract a diverse range of talented candidates and guarantee impartial and equitable evaluation for every applicant. We are committed to fostering a workplace that values diversity, where each individual's unique talents and perspectives contribute to our collective success. This approach not only ensures fairness in our hiring practices but also strengthens our organization by harnessing the full potential of our diverse workforce.

3. Confidentiality, Privacy & Security

3.1 Confidential Information

At BOOST STAR, safeguarding confidential and proprietary information is paramount. Employees and directors must ensure that all sensitive information, including trade secrets, business strategies, and personal data, is securely protected against unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. Confidential information should never be used for personal gain or any purposes not explicitly authorized by the company. Our commitment to confidentiality not only protects our competitive advantage but also maintains the trust and confidence of our clients and partners.


3.2 Privacy

BOOST STAR is dedicated to respecting and protecting the privacy of our colleagues, clients, and customers. This involves handling all personal data with the utmost care and in full compliance with relevant privacy laws, such as the GDPR and CCPA, as well as our internal privacy policies. Employees must ensure that personal information is collected, stored, and processed responsibly, with appropriate safeguards in place to prevent unauthorized access or breaches. Regular training and updates on privacy regulations are mandatory to keep our team informed and vigilant.


3.3 Data Security

To enhance our commitment to data privacy and information security, BOOST STAR implements cutting-edge security measures. This includes utilizing advanced encryption technologies, conducting regular security audits, and maintaining rigorous access controls. Employees are required to follow best practices for data security, such as using strong passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and promptly reporting any suspicious activities or potential security incidents. By prioritizing data security, we ensure the integrity and availability of our information systems, protecting our business and the sensitive data entrusted to us.


3.4 Ongoing Vigilance

BOOST STAR recognizes that the landscape of data privacy and information security is constantly evolving. We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our policies and practices. This includes staying abreast of the latest developments in privacy laws, emerging threats, and industry best practices. Through ongoing education and proactive adaptation, we aim to maintain the highest standards of data privacy and security, ensuring our resilience and responsiveness in an ever-changing digital environment.


4. Conflict of Interest 

4.1 Avoidance of Conflicts

At BOOST STAR, we prioritize the integrity and impartiality of our employees and directors. It is essential to avoid situations where personal interests conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of the company. Employees must disclose any potential conflicts to their supervisor or the appropriate compliance personnel. This includes any personal, financial, or other relationships that could potentially influence your professional judgment. By being transparent and proactive in disclosing conflicts, we protect the integrity of our decisions and maintain the trust of our clients and partners.


4.2 Outside Employment

Engaging in outside employment or activities that could interfere with your responsibilities at BOOST STAR or create a conflict of interest is prohibited. This policy ensures that employees can fully commit to their roles within the company without divided loyalties or compromised performance. If you are considering any form of outside employment, it is crucial to discuss it with your supervisor and obtain the necessary approvals to ensure there is no conflict with your duties at BOOST STAR.


4.3 Personal Relationships

Personal relationships within the workplace can create challenges and potential conflicts of interest. Employees must be mindful of relationships that might impact their professional judgment or lead to perceptions of favouritism. If a personal relationship with a colleague, client, or vendor could influence work decisions, it must be disclosed to a supervisor or HR. This transparency ensures that all business dealings are conducted fairly and without bias, maintaining a professional and equitable work environment.


4.4 Gifts and Business Hospitality

Accepting or offering gifts, favours, or business hospitality can create conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof. BOOST STAR’s policy requires that any gifts or hospitality received or offered must be of nominal value and never intended to influence business decisions. Employees must report and seek approval for any gift or hospitality that exceeds a modest value. This helps maintain impartiality and prevents any undue influence on our business relationships.


4.5 Political Engagement

BOOST STAR encourages employees to participate in political activities as private citizens but insists on keeping personal political engagements separate from the workplace. Employees must not use company resources or their position at BOOST STAR to support political activities. All political contributions or activities must comply with local laws and regulations. This separation ensures that our corporate environment remains neutral and focused on our business objectives.


4.6 Personal Finances

Employees and directors are expected to manage their personal finances responsibly to avoid situations that could lead to conflicts of interest. This includes avoiding financial ties or investments in competitors, clients, or suppliers that might influence or appear to influence their professional judgment. By maintaining financial independence and avoiding conflicts, we ensure that decisions are made based on the best interests of BOOST STAR and its stakeholders.


5. Use of Company Resources

5.1 Proper Use

At BOOST STAR, the responsible and ethical use of company resources is a fundamental expectation for all employees and directors. This includes time, materials, and equipment. Company resources should be used solely for legitimate business purposes that advance the interests of BOOST STAR. Misusing company assets for personal gain or unauthorized activities is strictly prohibited. Adhering to this guideline ensures that resources are utilized efficiently and effectively, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the company.


5.2 Protection of Assets

Protecting and preserving BOOST STAR’s assets is a shared responsibility. This encompasses physical property, intellectual property, and proprietary information. Employees must take diligent care of all company assets and ensure they are used appropriately. Intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, and trade secrets, must be safeguarded against unauthorized access or disclosure. Proprietary information, including business strategies and client data, must be handled with the utmost confidentiality. Employees should report any loss, theft, or misuse of company resources promptly to the appropriate authorities within the organization. This proactive approach helps maintain the integrity and security of our assets, supporting the long-term goals and reputation of BOOST STAR.


5.3 Efficient Utilization

Efficient utilization of resources means avoiding waste and optimizing the use of materials and time. Employees should always seek ways to enhance productivity and minimize unnecessary expenditures. This includes using digital tools to reduce paper waste, maintaining equipment to prolong its lifespan, and prioritizing tasks to make the best use of time. By being mindful of resource efficiency, we contribute to the financial health of BOOST STAR and support environmental sustainability.


5.4 Cybersecurity

Given the digital nature of our operations, cybersecurity is a critical aspect of protecting company resources. Employees must adhere to best practices for cybersecurity, including using strong passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, and avoiding suspicious emails or links. Regular training on the latest cybersecurity threats and protocols is mandatory to ensure all employees are equipped to protect against potential breaches. Maintaining robust cybersecurity measures protects our digital assets and ensures the continuity and reliability of our business operations.


5.5 Reporting Misuse

Employees are encouraged to be vigilant and report any observed or suspected misuse of company resources. This includes not only physical theft or damage but also inappropriate use of digital assets or intellectual property. A clear and confidential reporting process is in place to handle such concerns without fear of retaliation. By promptly addressing misuse, we can take corrective action and prevent further issues, maintaining the integrity of our operations and resources.


6. Compliance and Reporting 

6.1 Reporting Violations

At BOOST STAR, it is crucial to maintain a culture of integrity and accountability. Employees and directors are expected to report any violations of the Code of Conduct, company policies, or legal requirements promptly. Designated reporting channels, such as confidential hotlines, email addresses, or direct contact with the compliance department, are available to ensure that issues are addressed appropriately and swiftly. By encouraging open communication and prompt reporting, we can identify and rectify problems early, maintaining the ethical standards and legal compliance that underpin our company's success.


6.2 Non-Retaliation

BOOST STAR is committed to protecting employees who report violations or participate in investigations. Retaliation against individuals who raise concerns in good faith or assist in resolving issues is strictly prohibited. Any form of retaliation, whether it be harassment, demotion, or any other adverse action, will result in disciplinary measures, up to and including termination. This policy ensures that employees can report issues without fear of reprisal, fostering an environment where everyone feels safe and supported in upholding our ethical standards. Maintaining this principle is essential for our continued commitment to integrity and transparency.


7. Diversity and Inclusion

7.1 Diversity and Inclusion is a Priority

At BOOST STAR, we recognize that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success. We are committed to creating a work environment that values and respects individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives. This means actively seeking to recruit, retain, and promote a diverse workforce, and fostering an inclusive culture where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion extends to all aspects of our business, from hiring practices to team dynamics, and from professional development opportunities to community engagement. We strive to ensure that our policies and practices support equal opportunity and prevent discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic.


7.2 Promoting an Inclusive Culture

Creating an inclusive culture requires continuous effort and dedication. At BOOST STAR, we encourage open dialogue and provide training on diversity, equity, and inclusion to help employees understand and appreciate the value of diverse perspectives. We support employee resource groups and initiatives that promote inclusivity and address the unique needs and challenges of various communities within our workforce.


7.3 Addressing Discrimination and Bias

As mentioned above in Point 2.2, we have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, and bias. Employees and directors must actively work to eliminate any form of discrimination or bias in the workplace. This includes not only overt actions but also unconscious biases that can influence decision-making and interactions. Any incidents of discrimination or bias must be reported immediately, and the company will take swift action to address and resolve such issues.


7.4 Celebrating Diversity

We believe that celebrating diversity strengthens our team and enhances our creativity and innovation. BOOST STAR regularly hosts events and activities that celebrate the diverse cultures and backgrounds of our employees. By acknowledging and honoring these differences, we build a more cohesive and collaborative team that is better equipped to serve our global clients.


7.5 Measuring Progress

To ensure that our diversity and inclusion efforts are effective, BOOST STAR regularly measures and reports on our progress. We set clear goals and benchmarks for diversity and inclusion and hold ourselves accountable for achieving them. This transparency helps us continually improve and demonstrates our commitment to making diversity and inclusion integral to our business strategy.


8. Commitment to Quality and Excellence

8.1 Quality Standards

At BOOST STAR, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality and excellence, inspired by industry leaders known for their commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Every employee and director are expected to commit to these standards in their work. This means continuously striving to improve performance, seeking new ways to innovate, and delivering exceptional results that exceed expectations. By upholding these standards, we not only meet but surpass industry benchmarks, ensuring the long-term success and growth of BOOST STAR.


8.2 Customer Focus

BOOST STAR places a strong emphasis on understanding and prioritizing the needs and expectations of our clients and customers. Our commitment to customer focus is rooted in delivering exceptional service and maintaining a reputation for reliability and excellence. This customer-centric approach guides every aspect of our business—from product development to customer support. By consistently exceeding customer expectations and fostering strong relationships, we strengthen our position as a trusted partner and provider in the market. Our dedication to customer satisfaction drives our continuous improvement efforts and reinforces our commitment to delivering value and exceeding customer expectations.


9. Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

9.1 Policy Statement

BOOST STAR is committed to providing a work environment that is free from harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment. Harassment, whether verbal, physical, visual, or digital, is unlawful and against company policy. This policy applies to all employees, supervisors, managers, executives, contractors, vendors, clients, and any other individuals interacting with BOOST STAR employees.


9.2 Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, sexual jokes or innuendos, displaying sexually suggestive materials, and any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or offensive work environment.


9.3 Reporting Procedure

Employees who experience or witness sexual harassment are encouraged to report it immediately to the Human Resources Department or designated management personnel. Reports can be made verbally or in writing, and confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible during the investigation.


9.4 Investigation and Resolution

Upon receipt of a complaint, BOOST STAR will promptly and impartially investigate allegations of sexual harassment. Investigations will be conducted discreetly, respecting the privacy of all parties involved. If sexual harassment is substantiated, appropriate corrective and disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment.


9.5 Preventive Measures (POSH)

To prevent sexual harassment, BOOST STAR has established a Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Committee, composed of diverse members including senior management, HR representatives, and employee representatives. The committee oversees the implementation of preventive measures, including regular training sessions for all employees and managers. These sessions focus on identifying, preventing, and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. Additionally, BOOST STAR promotes a culture of respect and inclusivity through ongoing communication and awareness initiatives.


10. Business Ethics

10.1 Our Values

At BOOST STAR, our continued growth hinges on our ability to attract and retain talented, dedicated employees like you. You are our most valuable asset. We emphasize respectful and fair treatment of each other, our customers, and suppliers. Upholding the principles ingrained in our culture — honesty, integrity, accountability, diversity, and inclusion — is fundamental to our operations.


10.2 Thriving Workplace

We are steadfast in maintaining a work environment that is free from threats, intimidation, physical harm, and disruption. Ensuring a non-violent, safe, and healthy workplace is crucial for our collective well-being. We count on your vigilance in promptly reporting any acts or threats of violence, or situations that could jeopardize safety. All team members are expected to adhere to applicable laws and firm policies concerning the health, safety, and security of our workforce, customers, and visitors to our premises. Whether you're representing BOOST STAR in the office or beyond, your conduct profoundly impacts our firm's reputation. Consistently demonstrating appropriate behaviour aligns with and upholds our firm’s high standards


11. Closing Statement

As we conclude this Code of Conduct, we reaffirm our commitment at BOOST STAR to uphold the highest standards of integrity, respect, and accountability in all our interactions and operations. Our shared values of honesty, integrity, diversity, and inclusion guide us in fostering a workplace culture where every individual is valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to our collective success. By adhering to these principles, we not only strengthen our reputation as a responsible corporate citizen but also cultivate a supportive environment where trust, professionalism, and ethical behaviour flourish. Together, we are committed to building a company that not only achieves excellence but also exemplifies the highest ethical standards in everything we do.