[ SOLVED ] Eliminate render-blocking resources [100% Working Solutions ]

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[ SOLVED ] Eliminate render-blocking resources [100% Working Solutions ]

To resolve the issue of render-blocking resources identified by Page Speed Insights, you can follow these steps:
Minimize and combine CSS and JavaScript files: Reduce the number of separate CSS and JavaScript files by combining them into a single file. This helps reduce the number of requests made by the browser and improves loading speed.
Use asynchronous or deferred loading for JavaScript: Add the `async` or `defer` attribute to the
tags of JavaScript files. This allows the browser to continue parsing the HTML without waiting for the JavaScript files to load, improving the rendering speed of the page.
Preload those CSS files which are blocking there are two ways we can preload CSS files. e.g. {{ 'base.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }} if this file blocking then we can solve using below techniques.
<link rel="preload" href='{{ 'base.css' | asset_url }}' as="style"> 
add this code if blocking from Base.css file or
{{ 'base.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag: preload: true }} ,
}} replace this code with the blocking from base.css file.
If blocking from jquery then we can copy the cdn code and create a file from the assets folder and paste the code and we can preload that jquery file like. e.g.
<link rel="preload" as="script" href="{{ 'jquery-3.6.0.js' | asset_url }}">
Optimize and compress images: Optimize your images by reducing their file sizes without compromising quality. You can use tools like ImageOptim or TinyPNG to compress your images before uploading them to your website.
Utilize browser caching: Set an appropriate caching policy for your static resources, such as CSS, JavaScript, and images, to instruct the browser to cache these resources and avoid unnecessary re-downloading.
Consider using a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN can help deliver your static resources from servers closer to the user, reducing latency and improving page loading speed.
Prioritize visible content: Ensure that the above-the-fold content (content visible without scrolling) is loaded and rendered quickly. Avoid loading non-critical resources before the essential content.
Optimize server response time: Check the server response time of your website and optimize it if necessary. This can involve various factors like server configuration, database optimization, and efficient coding practices. By implementing these optimizations, you can significantly reduce render-blocking resources and improve the overall performance and loading speed of your website.

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