Remove Lazy Load From First Image Of Slideshow Only – Dawn Theme

Remove Lazy Load From First Image Of Slideshow Only - Dawn Theme

Step 1: Understanding Lazy Loading in Shopify Dawn Theme

Lazy loading is a technique used to defer the loading of images until they are visible in the user’s viewport, helping to improve page loading times and overall performance. In the Dawn theme for Shopify, lazy loading is often applied to images within slideshows. However, you may want to exclude the first image from lazy loading for various reasons, such as ensuring that the initial image loads quickly for a better user experience. Follow these steps to remove lazy loading from the first image of a slideshow in the Dawn theme:

Step 2: Locate the Slideshow Code

Access your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to the theme code editor for the Dawn theme. Find the section of your theme where the slideshow code is located. This is typically found in a section or template file associated with your homepage.

Step 3: Identify the Lazy Loading Code

In the slideshow code, look for the portion of code responsible for implementing lazy loading. In your provided code snippet, the lazy loading is indicated by the loading=”lazy” attribute within the <img> tag.

Step 4: Determine the First Image

To exclude the first image from lazy loading, you need to identify which image in the slideshow is the first one. In most cases, the first image is the one that should load immediately when the page loads.

Step 5: Modify the Lazy Loading Code

Once you’ve identified the first image, modify the code to exclude the loading=”lazy” attribute from that specific image. You can achieve this by adding a conditional statement to apply loading=”lazy” to all images except the first one.

Here’s an example of how to modify the code:


Copy code

{%- for image in slideshow.images -%}


    src=”{{ image | img_url: width: 1500 }}”

    alt=”{{ image.alt | escape }}”

    width=”{{ image.width }}”

    height=”{{ image.width | divided_by: image.aspect_ratio | round }}”

    {%- unless forloop.first -%}


    {%- endunless -%}


{%- endfor -%}

In this code, we use a {% unless forloop.first %} conditional statement to apply loading=”lazy” to all images in the slideshow except the first one.

Step 6: Save and Test

After making the necessary modifications, save your changes in the theme code editor. To ensure that the lazy loading has been removed from the first image, preview your Shopify store and navigate to the homepage to see if the first image loads without delay.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove lazy loading from the first image of a slideshow in the Dawn theme for Shopify, ensuring a smooth and fast initial loading experience for your website visitors.

Reference: Shopify Liquid documentation.

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